
Welcome to Soundbyte

Soundbyte is a one-stop shop for professional audio design and composition. We compose and produce original audio for any media application; from full TV series to film, from website audio to commercials. Established in 2005, our work has been broadcast on all of the major TV channels in the United Kingdom and many around the world. We have worked on all formats of television series; from high-end BAFTA winning BBC documentary to crazy clip show, from live discussion programme to daytime human interest series. Please see our Credits page for a selection of the projects we’ve been involved with.
We compose music in any genre; tell us what you want and we’ll deliver on-time, on-budget and on-brief.

We realise that edit schedules are often extremely tight; we are polite, ultra-reliable and extremely deadline conscious.

At Soundbyte we understand that not everyone feels comfortable in discussing their audio requirements for a project. We are here to help. We place as much importance on customer service as we do on producing music. We can work to a temp track, your brief or help you devise a brief for your project. We deliver all audio electronically; straight from us to your edit suite.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss audio requirements for your media project.

Russell Barnes & Molly Milton

“Soundbyte has been behind the original music for so many of ClearStory’s productions. We continue to return to Soundbyte because of the care and creativity brought to our projects – translating our incredibly varied sound briefs into beautiful compositions that are both unique and fitting to our final films. No musical genre or demand has fazed Soundbyte, from electronica to early baroque, from the creation of fifty original tracks or turning around a composition for picture lock in under 24 hours. Good music is fundamental to the success of any broadcast film and we are sure that the critical praise we have received for these productions is due in no small part to Soundbyte’s involvement.”

Russell Barnes & Molly Milton, Directors,

Andra Heritage

“Soundbyte has been my go-to composer for years. He’s incredibly collaborative, provides great music and is always willing to go the extra mile to get it right. He’s a delight to work with.”

Andra Heritage, Executive Producer

Jamie Sives

“Soundbyte recorded the very bare bones of ten or so sketches I had. Just vocal and badly played acoustic guitar. He then composed, arranged, performed, produced then mixed full orchestration for each, therefore turning a handful of lyrical rants into a beautiful album of work. He works in a fast, creative and selfless way which was extremely impressive to witness first hand…… and he’s cheap too!”

Jamie Sives, Songwriter/Actor
(Game of Thrones, Frontier, Wilbur Wants To Kill Himself).